Tag: Coconut

Crispy Peanut Butter Granola

Crispy Peanut Butter Granola

Crispy Peanut Butter Granola. The twins love yoghurt. Well in saying that they go through phases like everything else, but when they love it, they love it, but it doesn’t fill them up. I’ve started adding crunchy peanut butter to Norah’s, which then gave me 

Nut Free Apricot and Coconut Slice

Nut Free Apricot and Coconut Slice

Nut Free Apricot and Coconut Slice. Oh it seems to have taken me forever to get this post written. Amazingly the recipe was super easy and required no trial and error, but finding the time to do this hasn’t been so easy. Between the kids, 

Banana Bread Bliss Balls

Banana Bread Bliss Balls

Banana Bread Bliss Balls. “But waiting is so hard! I want to eat one nooowww” said Norah as I was rolling out these new Banana Bread Bliss Balls. I had the idea of turning my Peanut Butter Banana Bread into bliss balls. Why? Simply because 

Coconut and Cranberry Christmas Slice

Coconut and Cranberry Christmas Slice

Coconut and Cranberry Christmas Slice. Wait hold up, there’s not chocolate in this recipe!? Yes, that’s right! I have been trying to think of a way to make a healthier White Christmas slice. And that being said, White Christmas is white, not brown. So no 

Chocolate Coconut Hummus

Chocolate Coconut Hummus

Chocolate Coconut Hummus. I didn’t know sweet Hummus was a thing. It wasn’t until scrolling through Pinterest that I saw I few different ‘dessert’ options of Norah’s favourite dip. Obviously I had to give it a try (and change it up to add some more 

Coconut and Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl

Coconut and Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl

Coconut and Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl. I’m currently writing this up for you, in a thick dressing gown, in front of the heater with a coffee!  Not the Coconut and Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl that I want to share with you.  It’s too cold this 

Cashew, Coconut and Chocolate Bliss Balls

Cashew, Coconut and Chocolate Bliss Balls

Cashew, Coconut and Chocolate Bliss Balls. Everyday I tell myself that I’m not going to cook anything extra.  The freezer is full of food for the kids and I don’t want to add more dishes, because I hate cleaning the kitchen.  And then, the kids 

Strawberry and Avocado Smoothie Bowl

Strawberry and Avocado Smoothie Bowl

Strawberry and Avocado Smoothie Bowl. We went grocery shopping a couple of days ago and I had forgotten all about the punnets of strawberries in the back of the fridge.  The kids love strawberries, but I needed a way to use these ones up fairly