Crispy Peanut Butter Granola

Crispy Peanut Butter Granola

Crispy Peanut Butter Granola. The twins love yoghurt. Well in saying that they go through phases like everything else, but when they love it, they love it, but it doesn’t fill them up. I’ve started adding crunchy peanut butter to Norah’s, which then gave me 

Apple Pie Bliss Balls

Apple Pie Bliss Balls

Apple Pie Bliss Balls. Not very often I get an idea and it just works first go. So I must say, I did surprise myself a little this morning when I whipped up these new Apple Pie Bliss Balls without any trial and error. I 

Sweet Potato Waffles

Sweet Potato Waffles

Sweet Potato Waffles. “And in the mornin I’m making Sweet Potato Waffles” I love waffles. If we go out for breakfast and they’re on the menu, you can be sure that’s what I’ll order. I never realised how easy they were to make though, until 

Sweet Potato Patties

Sweet Potato Patties

Sweet Potato Patties. It’s been awhile since my last post. Life keeps getting in the way! I’ll jump straight to letting you know that my new recipe is Sweet Potato Patties. Yay, finally something savoury to share with you. I think they’re fast becoming my 

Mixed Berry and Yoghurt Muffins

Mixed Berry and Yoghurt Muffins

Mixed Berry and Yoghurt Muffins. The kids have been busy for the past 2 hours with a craft box full of lots of bits and pieces. I’ve been helping them create monsters, spiders and flowers. When I showed Norah how to use a patty pan 

Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins. These Pumpkin Muffins are perfect for day trips with the kiddos. We’ve already made 2 batches and they are being gobbled up very quickly! Patty Pans. I’ve made my Peanut Butter Banana Bread a lot of times. Cole always loves it, but sometimes 

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge. When I listen to the twins play and they’re pretending to cook quinoa porridge or feeding their toys goji berries, it makes me laugh inside. I’ve been experimenting with quinoa porridge a little bit (while the kids stand in their helper 

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread. Chocolate biscuits, chocolate mousse, chocolate bliss balls, chocolate smoothies, and now Chocolate Hazelnut Spread! Yes there is a LOT of chocolate in this house, but who doesn’t love chocolate? Not Nutella. Everyone has tasted or heard of Nutella. Kiddos love it! I 

Berry, Cashew, Coconut Smoothie Bowl

Berry, Cashew, Coconut Smoothie Bowl

Berry, Cashew, Coconut Smoothie Bowl. With the nights not really cooling down anymore, we are waking up to a hot house. Who wants to eat (or prepare) breakfast in the heat? I decided this morning that we needed something cold, fresh and colourful for breakfast. 

Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Tahini Smoothie

Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Tahini Smoothie

Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Tahini Smoothie. I am about to share a game changer with you. The twins’ absolute favourite smoothie; rich, protein packed, Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Tahini Smoothie. Since creating this one, I haven’t experimented with anything else. Why? Because they drink most