Twinkly Fairy Light Stars

Twinkly Fairy Light Stars

Twinkly Fairy Light Stars in a Cardboard Box. A large, empty cardboard box brings unlimited possibilities; like twinkly fairy light stars. Everyone knows that young children always end up showing more interest in the boxes the gifts came in rather than the actual gift. Makes 

Threading with Cardboard Tubes

Threading with Cardboard Tubes

Threading with Cardboard Tubes. Threading with cardboard tubes is a great way to use your empty kitchen roll or wrapping paper tubes.  It’s an easy activity to set up for the kids and it’s great for fine motor development. Our box of cardboard tubes is 

Sick Stay at Home Mum

Sick Stay at Home Mum

Sick Stay at Home Mum. You know the feeling when you go to bed at night and you can feel that niggle that’s growing in your throat. Your glands are feeling sore and slightly swollen and you know you’ll be sick in the morning. That’s 

DIY Light Table

DIY Light Table

DIY Light Table! After working in the childcare industry for years, I have so many ideas to implement with our kids at home.  The only thing I have to get my head around is that I don’t have the same ‘unlimited’ resources that I had 

Goop and Sparkly Gems

Goop and Sparkly Gems

Goop and Sparkly Gems. While the twins were busy Colour Sorting with Sparkly Gems I noticed just how sparkly they really were.  I wanted to set up another experience for them using the gems outside so that the sun would make them even shinier.  It 

Colour Sorting with Shiny Gems

Colour Sorting with Shiny Gems

Colour Sorting with Shiny Gems. The terrible twos have definitely hit in this house.  I’ve decided to get through this stage I need to kick my educator’s brain back into gear and take each day as it comes….tantrums, fighting, laughs and all.  But first I 

Why it takes hours to do the dishes!

Why it takes hours to do the dishes!

Why it takes Hours to do the Dishes! Do you want to know why!?  Why it takes hours to do the dishes!  I’ll tell you why:  2 TINY HUMANS! Have you ever started cleaning the kitchen in the morning and then reached lunch time and 

Isolated from the World

Isolated from the World

Isolated from the World. Firstly I want to make sure that I’m making it perfectly clear that I love our kids.  I love them so much and I am so proud to be their mum.  They are the cutest, cheekiest, most hilarious little people ever 

Painting with Recycled Cardboard Tubes

Painting with Recycled Cardboard Tubes

Painting with Recycled Cardboard Tubes. Over the weekend a friend came over with a bag full of treasure!  Not the sparkly kind, but the recycled, endless possibilities kind!  A bag full of empty cardboard tubes.  There’s so many different sizes and they’re all nice and 

Raising Awareness for Cystic Fibrosis

Raising Awareness for Cystic Fibrosis

Raising Awareness for Cystic Fibrosis. When your child is diagnosed with a chronic, life shortening disease and you slowly get over the initial shock and heart break, what do you do next?  In all honesty, whatever gets you through everyday.  There is no right or