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Mixed Berry and Yoghurt Muffins

Mixed Berry and Yoghurt Muffins

Mixed Berry and Yoghurt Muffins. The kids have been busy for the past 2 hours with a craft box full of lots of bits and pieces. I’ve been helping them create monsters, spiders and flowers. When I showed Norah how to use a patty pan 

Chocolate, Coconut, Cherry Cake

Chocolate, Coconut, Cherry Cake

Chocolate, Coconut, Cherry Cake. I am currently busting out my happy dance in the middle of the kitchen (while typing this to you on my phone). Why am I having a dance party in my kitchen?  Because after a lot of trial and error I 

Tahini Granola Bars

Tahini Granola Bars

Tahini Granola Bars. I have never liked muesli bars. Not the crunchy ones, or the chewy ones, choc chip or yoghurt covered. They’re just yuck. I have recently tried more of an adult version though and decided maybe I was just eating the wrong ones. 

Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins. These Pumpkin Muffins are perfect for day trips with the kiddos. We’ve already made 2 batches and they are being gobbled up very quickly! Patty Pans. I’ve made my Peanut Butter Banana Bread a lot of times. Cole always loves it, but sometimes 

Banana Bread Bliss Balls

Banana Bread Bliss Balls

Banana Bread Bliss Balls. “But waiting is so hard! I want to eat one nooowww” said Norah as I was rolling out these new Banana Bread Bliss Balls. I had the idea of turning my Peanut Butter Banana Bread into bliss balls. Why? Simply because 

Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies

Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies

Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies. When the kids have a meltdown because you say they can’t have a second cookie, you know you’ve found a winner. These Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies are simple to put together. Especially if you have a jar of my Chocolate Hazelnut 

Salted Caramel Bliss Balls

Salted Caramel Bliss Balls

Salted Caramel Bliss Balls I’m finding that creating new recipes with 2 (nearly) 3 year olds, demanding every second of my attention is quite tricky. I need them to be involved in the kitchen so that they will give me time to mess around with 

Creamy Cashew and Roasted Capsicum Pasta Sauce

Creamy Cashew and Roasted Capsicum Pasta Sauce

Creamy Cashew and Roasted Capsicum Pasta Sauce. Our little family isn’t vegan, but I do have a sister that is. When I stumble across vegan recipes that look delicious, I usually have a read through to get some ideas. Sometimes I’ll send them to her 

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge. When I listen to the twins play and they’re pretending to cook quinoa porridge or feeding their toys goji berries, it makes me laugh inside. I’ve been experimenting with quinoa porridge a little bit (while the kids stand in their helper 

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread. Chocolate biscuits, chocolate mousse, chocolate bliss balls, chocolate smoothies, and now Chocolate Hazelnut Spread! Yes there is a LOT of chocolate in this house, but who doesn’t love chocolate? Not Nutella. Everyone has tasted or heard of Nutella. Kiddos love it! I