Tag: Coconut Oil

Chocolate Magic Shell Ice-Cream Topping

Chocolate Magic Shell Ice-Cream Topping

Chocolate Magic Shell Ice-Cream Topping. Do you remember eating Ice Magic on top of your ice-cream when you were younger?  I remember it being quite a treat.  Our kids love ice-cream, actually have you ever met a kid that doesn’t?  I don’ often buy it 

Crispy Peanut Butter Granola

Crispy Peanut Butter Granola

Crispy Peanut Butter Granola. The twins love yoghurt. Well in saying that they go through phases like everything else, but when they love it, they love it, but it doesn’t fill them up. I’ve started adding crunchy peanut butter to Norah’s, which then gave me 

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge. When I listen to the twins play and they’re pretending to cook quinoa porridge or feeding their toys goji berries, it makes me laugh inside. I’ve been experimenting with quinoa porridge a little bit (while the kids stand in their helper 

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread. Chocolate biscuits, chocolate mousse, chocolate bliss balls, chocolate smoothies, and now Chocolate Hazelnut Spread! Yes there is a LOT of chocolate in this house, but who doesn’t love chocolate? Not Nutella. Everyone has tasted or heard of Nutella. Kiddos love it! I 

Choc Coconut Mug Cake

Choc Coconut Mug Cake

Choc Coconut Mug Cake. Today I created a new Choc Coconut Mug Cake. It wasn’t really on the cards, but I had two, 2 and a half year olds asking for cake. Why? Well because yesterday was their Dad’s birthday which meant they got to 

Crispy Chocolate and Peanut Butter Fat Bombs

Crispy Chocolate and Peanut Butter Fat Bombs

Crispy Chocolate and Peanut Butter Fat Bombs! When Norah was little, fat bombs were an every day food. They’re tiny and they pack a punch and when she didn’t eat much, I always felt better when she demolished a couple of these after her meals.