Cashew, Coconut and Chocolate Bliss Balls

Cashew, Coconut and Chocolate Bliss Balls

Cashew, Coconut and Chocolate Bliss Balls. Everyday I tell myself that I’m not going to cook anything extra.  The freezer is full of food for the kids and I don’t want to add more dishes, because I hate cleaning the kitchen.  And then, the kids 

Strawberry and Avocado Smoothie Bowl

Strawberry and Avocado Smoothie Bowl

Strawberry and Avocado Smoothie Bowl. We went grocery shopping a couple of days ago and I had forgotten all about the punnets of strawberries in the back of the fridge.  The kids love strawberries, but I needed a way to use these ones up fairly 

Peanut Butter Squares

Peanut Butter Squares

Peanut Butter Squares! Why not peanut butter cups?  That’s simple; Everyone makes peanut butter cups.  No in all honestly all my other moulds were full the first time I made these.  Now the kids recognise them as being square.  Why mess with something that works? 



Thank goodness for Hummus! When Norah is having a few days where she really isn’t interested in food,  I always make a big batch of hummus.  9 times out of 10 she will happily eat a few tablespoons of the stuff.  She’ll use the cracker 

Chickpea Cookie Dough

Chickpea Cookie Dough

Chickpea Cookie Dough. Who doesn’t love cookie dough?  I remember as a kid, one of the best bits about helping in the kitchen was eating the raw batter.  This chickpea cookie dough is brilliant because you don’t have to cook it, which means the kids