Tag: Cacao

Chocolate Magic Shell Ice-Cream Topping

Chocolate Magic Shell Ice-Cream Topping

Chocolate Magic Shell Ice-Cream Topping. Do you remember eating Ice Magic on top of your ice-cream when you were younger?  I remember it being quite a treat.  Our kids love ice-cream, actually have you ever met a kid that doesn’t?  I don’ often buy it 

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge

Choc Hazelnut Quinoa Porridge. When I listen to the twins play and they’re pretending to cook quinoa porridge or feeding their toys goji berries, it makes me laugh inside. I’ve been experimenting with quinoa porridge a little bit (while the kids stand in their helper 

Peanut Butter Squares

Peanut Butter Squares

Peanut Butter Squares! Why not peanut butter cups?  That’s simple; Everyone makes peanut butter cups.  No in all honestly all my other moulds were full the first time I made these.  Now the kids recognise them as being square.  Why mess with something that works?